Some of the best leaders and communicators are great leaders and communicators because they can motivate and inspire others not just with the power of their personality, but with the power of their word. One element of communication that great leaders and communicators understand is the need for simple yet powerful axioms. Axioms are pithy …
Category: Leadership
For those of us who are average
We live in a world of specialists. The academic world is becoming increasingly an environment where you learn to do something specific. The business world (profit or not for-profit) is increasingly looking for specialists. There is even a common principle–do less to do more. This is based on the principle of specialization. The idea being, …
Questions to evaluate your leadership
I read a blog post by Kevin DeYoung in which he provided 20 of 27 question from chapter 5 of J. Oswald Sanders in his classic book, Spiritual Leadership. Which caused me to go back to that book to do a leadership audit. So, here are Sanders 27 questions (processed just a bit). Have you …
Leaders are not to be Mules
In Mark 10:32-52 records the third time Jesus tells His disciples about His upcoming death. These three declarations (Mark 8:31; 9:31; 10:32) are give, in context, to teach His followers about discipleship–which is a key theme in Mark’s gospel. The first declaration leads to teaching them that a disciple does not have his own agenda. …
Leadership Quote
Andy Stanley “Leadership is not about making decisions on your own. It’s about owning decisions once they are made” “Leadership is a stewardship, it is temporary, and you’re accountable”
Safe, but not comfortable
In our men’s ministry we have an axiom that reminds us (or helps us to try) to create the right kind of environment to engage men and equip them to be men of influence (because of integrity) in their homes, workplaces, neighborhoods and church. The axiom–We want to create an environment that is safe, but …
Grace, Trust and Truth
In any group of individuals, there are bound to be times when one individual (or more often, several individuals) doesn’t respond to a given situation as others expect or desire. This collision of expectations and our own personal desires results in conflict. We’ve all been on both sides of that interaction. Either our expectations were …