I read a blog post by Kevin DeYoung in which he provided 20 of 27 question from chapter 5 of J. Oswald Sanders in his classic book, Spiritual Leadership.
Which caused me to go back to that book to do a leadership audit. So, here are Sanders 27 questions (processed just a bit).
- Have you ever broken a bad habit? To lead others, you must master of yourself/your appetites.
- Do you retain control of yourself when things go wrong? The leader who loses self-control in testing circumstances forfeits respect and loses influence. A leader must be calm in crisis and resilient in adversity and disappointment.
- Do you think independently? A leader must use the best ideas of others to make decisions. A leader cannot wait for others to make decisions for him. (And he shouldn’t make all the decisions.)
- Can you handle criticism objectively? Can you profit from it? The humble man can benefit from petty and even malicious criticism.
- Can you turn disappointment into creative new opportunity?
- Do you readily secure the cooperation and win their respect and confidence of others ?
- Do you possess the ability to secure discipline without having to resort to a show of authority? True leadership is an internal quality of the spirit and requires no external show of force.
- Have you qualified for the beatitude pronounced on the peacemakers? Are you a peacemaker? It is much easier to keep the peace than to make peace. A leader has the ability to find common ground and induce opponents to accept it.
- Are you trusted to handle difficult and delicate situations?
- Can you induce people to do happily some legitimate thing that they would not normally wish to do?
- Can you accept opposition to your viewpoint or decision without considering it a personal affront and reacting accordingly? Leaders must expect opposition and should not be offended by it.
- Do you find it easy to make and keep friends? Your circle of loyal friends is an index of the quality and extend of your leadership.
- Are you unduly dependent on the praise or approval of others? Can you hold steady in the face of disapproval and even temporary loss of confidence?
- Are you at ease in the presence of superiors or strangers?
- Are the people who report to you at ease in your presence? A leader should be sympathetic and friendly.
- Are you really interested in people? All types? All races? No prejudice at all? An antisocial person is unlikely to make a good leader.
- Are you tactful? Can you anticipate how your words will affect a person?
- Do you possess a strong and steady will? Leaders cannot vacillate or cannot drift with the wind.
- Do you nurse resentments, or do you readily forgive injuries done to you?
- Are you reasonably optimistic? Pessimism is no asset to a leader.
- Are you in the grip of a master passion such as that of Paul, who said, “This one thing I do?” Such a singleness of motive will focus all your energies and powers on the desired objective.
- Do you welcome responsibility?
Sanders, includes the following questions from R. E. Thompson
- Do other people’s failures annoy or challenge you?
- Do you use people or cultivate people?
- Do you direct people or develop people?
- Do you criticize or encourage?
- Do you shun or seek out the person with a special need or problem or the problem person?