I read a blog post by Kevin DeYoung in which he provided 20 of 27 question from chapter 5 of J. Oswald Sanders in his classic book, Spiritual Leadership. Which caused me to go back to that book to do a leadership audit. So, here are Sanders 27 questions (processed just a bit). Have you …
Tag: Leadership
Leaders are not to be Mules
In Mark 10:32-52 records the third time Jesus tells His disciples about His upcoming death. These three declarations (Mark 8:31; 9:31; 10:32) are give, in context, to teach His followers about discipleship–which is a key theme in Mark’s gospel. The first declaration leads to teaching them that a disciple does not have his own agenda. …
Leadership Quote
Andy Stanley “Leadership is not about making decisions on your own. It’s about owning decisions once they are made” “Leadership is a stewardship, it is temporary, and you’re accountable”
Lessons from 50 years of ministry
This is a repost from the Catalyst Conference posted on Church Relevance. And will it is particularly aimed at pastors, I believe the principles are helpful for all believers to be mindful of. Chuck Swindoll of Insight for Living discussed 10 things he has learned in almost 50 years of ministry during Catalyst Conference’s 8th session. Here is what …
The Strength of a Team
Thoughts on team ministry from dialogues with a missionary friend, Dave M. The strength of a team is the composite of the strengths of the individuals. The unity of a team is built around the weaknesses of each individual. True, false or something in between? Some would say that a team is only as strong …
Characteristics of a leader
There are many definition and descriptions of a leader. As I have been thinking about leading, leaders and leadership–particularly related to leadership transitions, I’ve come up with a few ideas. What I want to be as a leaders. What I want in someone who is leading me. A Leader. . . Inspires contentment (hope) Instills …
Leadership Characteristics
Leaders motivate–they inspire others to be better than themselves, to reach for something bigger than themselves. Leaders are positive, they help people see potential not obstacles. Leaders prioritize–they clarify purpose and set boundaries. Leaders provide perspective–they see the big picture, they understand the consequences of decisions but are not limited by current negative circumstances. Leaders …