This is a challenge to parents as much as it is to the church. Many have reported alarming numbers of Millennials leaving their faith. This summary provides a good context for understanding what the numbers actually reveal. See previous related posts Millennials Critical Thinking What follows is from the Gospel Coalition blog. Who is Really …
Category: Church
The Power and Place of the Word of God
The power and place of the Word of God. John Albert Bengel Scripture is the foundation of the Church: the Church is the guardian of Scripture. When the Church is in strong health, the light of the Scripture shines bright; when the Church is sick, Scripture is corroded by neglect; and thus it happens, that …
O Church Arise
What to do, before, during and after a worship service
From the 9Marks Blog though reposted on my sites.. At the Trellis and Vine Workshop in DC today, Colin Marshall shared ways that ordinary church members can serve the church on Sunday mornings. Before the Service Read the passage in advance Pray for the gathering Greet newcomers (act like you are the host) Think strategically …
Reformation Day
This weekend we should celebrate Reformation Day, which commemorates October 31, 1517, the day that Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses to the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg. The event which marks the start of the reformation. The theses challenged the institutional churches practices of selling indulgences–a certificate that “guaranteed” the purchaser of a …
Quotes–The Impact of the Church
When the Church is absolutely different from the world, she invariably attracts it. Â It is then that the world is made to listen to her message, though it may hate it at first. Â D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones Here is the great evangelical disaster–the failure of the evangelical world to stand for truth as truth. There is …
What people look for (need) from Church
Some interesting information about why people go to church and what they want from church. After you read the statistics–please comment–what are your reasons for attending church? Top 6 Things people are looking for their Church (Reveal Survey, Willow Creek) 56%–Challenges me to grow and take next steps55%–Helps me to understand the Bible in greater …