Tag: salvation

Musings, Theology

Completely Saved

I had some great conversations with individuals this week about the nature of salvation. And I see several tendencies. 1. We don’t fully understand grace–breadth, depth and glory of grace 2. We tend to be man-centric rather than God-centric 3. We look at the “what ifs” and “ya buts” before the “thus saith the Lord” …


Loved Before the Dawn of Time

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKeu9xH4T_w Loved Before the Dawn of Time (Salvation’s Song) by Stuart Townend LOVED BEFORE THE DAWN OF TIME, Chosen by my Maker, Hidden in my Saviour: I am His and He is mine, Cherished for eternity. When I’m stained with guilt and sin, He is there to lift me, Heal me and forgive me; Gives …


What God did/does for us through Jesus

I’m reading Jesus in Trinitarian Perspective  by Fred Sanders and Klause Issler, so when I read this quote on Justin Taylors‘ blog is too good not to shar. I can’t resist reproducing one more quote from Packer’s Praying the Lord’s Prayer. It’s vintage Packer–Pauline in both its length and theology: By wisdom God found a way to justify …