If you are interested in having more clarity as to your personal purpose, mission or vision–let me recommend a resource provide by the good people at LifeChurch.TV. (LifeChurch.TV is fantastically generous with the resources they develop–great model of ministry. If you have a smart phone let me recommend the YouVersion apps.) Vision–The Chazown Experience An …
Tag: purpose
What is the sentence of your life (part 1)
Interesting Question? Can you define in one sentence the purpose, goal and drive of your life? Paul knew his sentence–read Colossians 1:24-29 and Colossians 2:1-5 in which he identifies his calling and purpose which drove him to give his all. If you would like the clarity that comes from being able to articulate your “sentence” …
What is the “main thing†for church?
What is the “main thing” for church? Is it the main worship service? Is it the main teaching time? Is it the main fellowship time? Surely the main thing is not the size of our building. Surely the main thing is not the quantity of our programs. Surely the main thing is not the history …