(This is a re-post since I’m working through the book of James again.) I have often stated that teaching is information for transformation. But what is the opposite? What happens when we teach or when we learn but are not transformed? In a conversation with George May (Pastor of Counseling and Family Ministries at Calvary …
Category: Spiritual Formation
Yesterday I heard the sad news that a couple I know years ago are getting divorced. My instinctive action, is to be heartbroken and then to be critical of the man who would leave his wife, his vows to her and the Lord. But as I have been reflecting in my study of the book of …
Union with Christ
Union with Christ perhaps the most significant theological concept of the Christian life that is the least taught, understood and believed. Union with Christ is the linchpin of Paul’s teaching on sanctification. Below is a short but dense summary of union with Christ. I’ve added Scripture references to enable me to not only think deeply …
Preparing for Easter
Many of us have been in the habit of preparing for Christmas. We do Advent readings, we plan, we shop, we get excited and we celebrate. But when it comes to Easter, it seems like it sneaks up on us. Well, maybe not all of us–but at least those of us who did not grow …
Contrast: Character Determines Influence
On Sunday at Calvary Church, Pastor Beau Eckert started our series, Contrast, with a look at Matthew 5:1-16. The Beatitudes in the first section focus on the Character of the Righteous. The list of characteristics together form a progressive picture of what those rightly related to the King look like. And by correlation, they serve as an encouragement …
Faithlife Study Bible
Many know I'm a fan the the ESV Study Bible (and since it is too big to carry around, I take advantage of the online version). Another resource that some might be interested–particularly if you are in an intentional relationship for growth (small group, accountability group, memtoring relationship or adult Bible class) is the new …
Daniel 7–Small Group Questions
In Daniel 7 we return to a prophetic section. This chapter is parallel to chapter 2—both focus on a panorama of prophecy which concludes with the Kingdom of God, the Most High in total control. Small Group Questions Engage—connect with each other 1. What excites you about the future? What worries you about the future? …