Bible Study, Colossians

Colossians 1:3-8 small group questions

Colossians 1:3-8 continues answering the question–What should a Christian look like?

So as you interact together on the passage these questions might challenge and encourage you.  Some of these were adapted from Johnny Miller.

Small Group Discussion Questions

1.  “Good” is the enemy of “great.”  How does this principle affect your spiritual life?
2.  What are one or two changes that would move you toward “greatness” in your spiritual life?
3.  How can Calvary Church evidence more of any of these characteristics: Faith, Love, Hope?
4.  How can you evidence more of any of these characteristics: Faith, Love, Hope?
5.  How is the hope and truth of the gospel changing your character?
6.  Are you anchored in the historical reality of Jesus Christ?  What are you doing to grow your understanding of your faith?
7.  Are we live sacrificial lives that put God and others first?  What are you doing to grow your love for others?
8.  Do we have a vision of our own eternity in heaven that weans us away from depending on the things of the earth?


Author: Steve

I love to study the Bible and I love to engage with others in learning. I had been privileged to do this on a regular basis through church ministry and through part-time teaching at a local Bible colleges. Helping individuals learn to feed themselves through their own study of God’s Word is joy-giving to me. Influencing groups to do life and church from a biblically grounded, theologically faithful perspective is my passion.

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