I started this blog to encourage, Fluency with God’s Word in Life Situations–or in other words, a biblically formed, biblically reasoned, biblically applied response to life.
So one of the elements I want to increase is the sharing of resources.
Below are two short video answers given to answer/apply the truth of Scripture to situations and concerns.
I saw both first at Tim Challies blog.
What do you think of their answers? Are they supported by Scripture? Are they applied honestly and sensitively?
Does Satan Have Access to Our Minds? – Andy Davis answers this in a Gospel Coalition video.
To teach pardon and cleansing where there is no intention to change the life would upset heaven and turn it into a moral insane asylum, and in a hundred years you would not know heaven from hell! –A.W. Tozer
In this video David Powlison answers a tough question: how specific should a husband be if he feels he needs to confess sins of lust to his wife?
The truth is that God in his wisdom, to make and keep us humble and to teach us to walk by faith, has hidden from us almost everything that we should like to know about the providential purposes which he is working out in the churches and in our own lives. –J.I. Packer