I’ve been enjoying writing on Fluency for almost 6 months now.  I have to admit it has been more about creating a discipline in me to continually stay in God’s Word–think deeply about God, His Word, the church and the world around me–than writing to be read. But it has been fun to interact with those who have commented.
Along with Fluency I am also starting a second blog http://devotional.calvarychurch.org. This blog will serve to supply devotionals related to the coordinated curriculum on the book of Romans that I have been creating for all the Adult Bible Fellowship Classes at Calvary Church. Along with the Sunday morning study my hope is that people will “live in Romans” for a full year. This will hopefully include preparing for class by using Personal Bible Study preparation sheets (PBS) and reviewing and applying the truths learned through reading devotionals written by the church staff, elders, deacons, ABF teachers, missionaries and any others I could get to write. (There are also generic handouts and will be audio files of the lessons in future weeks.)
I have had the privilege of writing a number of the devotionals for Romans. Some of which originally appeared on Fluency. But rather than double post, I would encourage anyone who is reading Fluency to also begin reading devotional.calvarychurch.org. The easiest way is to subscribe by email or use a blog reader.
I would love your feedback on the new site as much as I want your continued feedback on this site.