This is a re-post from Justin Taylor’s blog Between to Worlds.
This is a must read and listen for all men.
A Biblical Strategy for Fighting Sexual Lust
Using Proverbs 5, he identifies six biblical strategies that will ensure sexual purity:
- Undertake the pursuit of biblical instruction (Prov. 5:1-2).
- Undress the deception of sexual sin (Prov. 5:3-6).
- Understand the value of safe distance (Prov. 5:7-8).
- Unmask the regret of sin’s aftermath (Prov. 5:9-14).
- Unlock the satisfaction of marital fidelity or intimacy (Prov. 5:15-19).
- Unleash the power of God’s omniscience (Prov. 5:20-23).
You can also read a manuscript below from an earlier version. The Resolved message was different, but the general outline is the same:
Wow…what a way to start my morning.
Are we starving our men? Yes.
A couple of days ago, I was watching some of John Piper’s videos and saw a guy talking, Matt Chandler lead pastor at the Village. Don’t remember what I was watching or listening to but I do remember going to the Village website and looking around their for what they were doing…I don’t remember anything I read/watched about vision or mission or anything that would tell me what they were about…BUT…I did learn what the church is about through a couple dozen video testimonies that they have posted as to what God was doing in the lives of those who worship at the village…stories of grace, of mercy, of forgiveness, of acceptance, of ACCOUNTABILITY. Check them out.
At the end of this sermon…two statements stick out
1. Create an atmosphere of grace in your fellowship
2. Shepherd relationships that are accountable
Last night, I mentioned “confessing our sins to one another” in the context of how we are so afraid to show vulnerability because we may be less forgiving than we should be at a meeting at church and heads dropped…eyes left mine…
At the Village…person after person mentioned how strong accountable relationships were key to overcoming the drepravity of life…
So…how do you do this (give men the tools to overcome) without that (the paralyzing fear of honesty)?