(Re-post from what I wrote for Calvary Church blog)
God is in control, mapping out the course of history—of our lives.
Daniel 2 and 7 provides a panorama of history. The most complete and comprehensive picture of what God would and will accomplish—through governments and kings—whom He controls.
As we look at our own life situations we have to accept that even though God is in control, there are some things in our lives which we can’t control.
How do you handle the curve balls that come your way?
As we look at our own life situations we have to also accept that we do have control over our responses to the circumstances we face. We can choose how we will respond even when we can’t choose to change the circumstance.
Daniel chose
- Polite and respectful questions
- Not to panic
- Prayer
- Praise and worship
Daniel chose to let God be God—to trust Him. That he has a plan and can accomplish it.
How are you responding to your circumstances, trials and challenges?
The ultimate point of the passage is that God is in control. He will establish His kingdom—a kingdom that will not end. A kingdom that will eventually bring to an end a series of human kingdoms. We have seen part of this prophecy fulfilled—which should inspire our confidence that God will be faithful to fulfill what He has promised.
How will you be used by God while you wait for God to fulfill His word?