My wife just finished reading through the Old Testament and I’m getting ready to teach a New Testament survey course at LBC. So it seemed appropriate to pass along this good and quick reading suggestion.
There is no substitute for personal reading of Scripture. (I’ll post a few suggestion for how to read in the next post).
Overview of the Bible in two weeks–repost of Dane Ortlund’s excellent suggestion.
If a freshman in college or stay-at-home mom or aspiring deacon or friend from work or anyone else asked me how they might get a rough grasp of the macro-storyline of the Bible in a few weeks, I’d send them not to any secondary resource but to the Bible itself for a reading plan that might look something like this.
Week 1Sunday – Genesis 1-3
Monday – Genesis 12-17
Tuesday – Exodus 1-3, 12
Wednesday – Exodus 14, 19-20
Thursday – Joshua 23-24; Judges 1-2
Friday – 1 Samuel 8, 16; 2 Samuel 7, 11; Psalm 105
Saturday – Isaiah 7, 9, 11, 35, 52-53, 65Week 2
Sunday – Jeremiah 30-33; Ezekiel 36-37, Zechariah 9; Malachi 3-4
Monday – Matt. 1:1; Mark 1:1-15; John 1:1-18; 5:39-46; Luke 24
Tuesday – Mark 14:1-16:8
Wednesday – Acts 1-2; 13:13-49
Thursday – Rom. 1:1-6; 16-17; 3:9-31; 5:12-21; 8:18-23; 1 Cor. 15:1-23
Friday – Heb. 1:1-4; 10:19-12:2
Saturday – Revelation 1; 20-22
You could add Psalms to the same schedule or take two more weeks. The Psalms as poetical literature need to be savored not swallowed quickly. They are intended it not only impact our minds but to stir our emotions.
Week 1
Sunday – Psalm 90
Monday – Psalm 105
Tuesday – Psalm 106
Wednesday – Psalm 19
Thursday – Psalm 44
Saturday – Psalm 73Week 2
Sunday – Psalm 51
Monday – Psalm 16
Tuesday – Psalm 88
Wednesday – Psalm 2
Thursday – Psalm 14
Friday – Psalm 110
Saturday – Psalm 144